Foundations for Success project!
21st century life is becoming more and more complicated and challenging, yet no where in our education system do we effectively and concretely address, council or support our children in the complex task of transitioning into adulthood successfully. Technology is changing job markets. Some jobs will not exists when this generation enters the workforce. Many jobs will be created that do not exist today.
So how do we best prepare them for the challenges? We all want our children to have happy, successful lives and we know that selecting the right career pathway is critical to that.
Most people are unaware of the swift changes occurring in college options and future job markets. We all assume our teenagers can make these complex decisions alone. Schools are unable to address the needs and concerns of each individual student. Few parents have the time to research and effectively council kids on how to make the best choices available to them. Many just encourage their kids to get good grades and attend college so they can get a “good” job. That’s easier said than done and can be VERY expensive if college is involved.
Foundations for Success is a reality project that takes teens on a journey of self-discovery and life planning. It has evolved over a twelve year period with hundreds of high school students’ input and suggestions.
In this workbook project teens explore areas of who they are now and who they want to become. They contemplate critical life decisions that will have lasting impact on their futures. They gain real world information about what it takes to build successful lives in this complex 21st century, while learning and practicing foundational, research based reading skills to better prepare them for independent college and career learning. All together these things help students feel more excited about their futures, less fearful about the unknown and motivated to do well in high school.
Topics covered:
Who Am I
What Do I Want My Future to Hold
College and Career Options
How to Build Successes in Life
Money and Cost of Living
Goal Setting
Prioritizing Time
Education, Learning and Their Value
Dealing with Challenges and Stress
21st Century Employability Skills
Job Interviewing
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